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dropshipping tips

5 Essential Dropshipping Tips for Beginners

The world of employment is very different now than it was even 10 or 15 years ago. It’s obvious by the fact that around half of Aussies either run a side business or are in the market to start one.

Dropshipping is a popular choice for a side hustle. It has a low financial bar for entry, as you don’t keep inventory or even need any employees. That doesn’t mean that dropshipping mistakes can’t trip you up.

Looking for a bit of dropshipping advice? Keep reading for five dropshipping tips that will help you make your side hustle a success.

1. Pick a Niche

When it comes to the do’s and don’ts of dropshipping, do pick a niche. Ideally, pick a niche about which you already have some working knowledge.

If you’re the person everyone goes to for electronics recommendations, electronics make sense. If you’re the home and garden guru in your circle, a niche like that makes more sense.

Putting your focus into one area automatically makes you look like a specialist, which can work to your advantage.

2. Don’t Rely on Price

When you compete solely on price, you lose. Price is a game you can’t win against major retailers.

You must find other ways to differentiate yourself. Maybe you write extremely entertaining product descriptions. Maybe you build a brand and brand voice to which people respond well.

Find that other thing that gives you a competitive advantage.

3. Find a Reliable Supplier

You cannot succeed in dropshipping without a reliable supplier. If your supplier fails to deliver or delivers damaged products, it won’t take long before your reputation suffers. Yes, you can do some damage control, but that will soak up your working hours in a hurry.

Look for a supplier with a successful track record with other dropshippers.

4. Sample Products

When you pick your niche and supplier, you should make a point of getting some product samples. No, you don’t need of sample of every single thing you plan on selling. You should get a cross-section of items.

Seeing the products and handling them will let you represent the products in the best way on your e-commerce website.

5. Stay Honest About Shipping Times

Odds are good that your supplier has a shipping schedule available. If you deal with a domestic supplier, it’s probably pretty close to what you’d expect.

If you deal with a foreign supplier, stay honest about what customers should expect. Customers can prove very unforgiving about shipping issues these days.

Dropshipping Tips and You

The dropshipping tips above are just a sampling of the best-of tips available. Think of them as a starting point in honing your dropshipping business into a profitable enterprise.

If you’re just getting started, focus on things like picking your niche and finding a reliable supplier. Those are key for launching your business.

Once you get those things settled, then worry about pricing, product samples, and shipping honesty.

DropshipOnly is a wholesale supplier for dropshippers. For questions or information about products, contact DropshipOnly today.

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